Join your fellow doctors over a phone call or online, either one-on-one or as a group, to discuss medical issues. Access a variety of formats such as express CME (15 minutes), MasterConsult (one-on-one only), Multi Speaker CME and Conclaves (series of CME).
Browse or search through a unique encyclopedia of real world medical content built through the collaborative efforts of your fellow doctors from CME executed on the platform. MedWiki has over 15,000 practical multimedia articles across 30+ specialties with hundreds of articles added every month.
In a group setting, collaborate on a particular topic, therapy or, patient case with your peers through real time discussion, exchanging medical research, forming collective opinions, searching through relevant medical archives over a secure network.
Stay informed about prevailing views & sentiments of the healthcare community through our daily polls. Take part in interesting & interactive quizzes to win certificates, prizes and more! Get paid for your expertise while answering selected surveys.
No app download and zero cost for your patients, appointment booking in less than a minute, consultation through any secure channel of your choice (Voice/WhatsApp/Google, etc), 100% fees flow to you along with compliance with the MoHFW guidelines are only some of the features of this unique solution.
Prof. Shirish Srivastava from HEC Paris & Prof. G. Shainesh from IIM Bangalore analysed data from over 2,000 CME sessions & followed up with a detailed survey.
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