We specialize in creating multiformat international content designed to drive business growth for our clients. Our team of experienced medical content creators and researchers are dedicated to delivering high-quality, accurate, and engaging content across various platforms. From scientific publications to patient education materials, we ensure that our content meets the highest standards of medical communication.


Our Mission

At CLIRNET Global Scientific Content (GSC), our mission is to revolutionize scientific communication in the life sciences industry through innovative and impactful content creation. We strive to transform complex scientific data into clear, engaging and accurate content that resonates with healthcare professionals and stakeholders worldwide.

Our commitment to rigorous A/B testing ensures that every piece we produce is not only scientifically sound but also highly effective in achieving our clients' goals. By blending scientific precision with creative excellence, we aim to transform the standards of content in life sciences, making critical information accessible, understandable, and actionable!

The CLIRNET Advantage

We stand out in the medical and healthcare sectors with our unmatched ability to deeply validate requirements, leveraging global expertise to offer insights tailored to distinct needs. Renowned for our rapid content creation capabilities, we serve as a trusted lifecycle partner, delivering comprehensive and timely solutions that meet the evolving demands of industry.


Comprehensive analysis to fully understand your needs

Global Expertise, Distinct Insights

Bridging continents with exceptional content

Fast-Track Content Creation

From concept to completion
in record time

Lifecycle Content Partner

Supporting your journey,
every step of the way

Trusted by Global Visionary Brands

Our unique strengths in global insights, cost-effective quality, multidisciplinary expertise, and proven success ensure that we deliver content solutions that drive measurable outcomes and help you achieve your communication goals at a global level.


We Specialize in Key Domains of the HealthCare Industry

  • Academic & Research Organizations
  • Associations & NGOs
  • Contract Research & Manufacturing Organizations(CRMOs)
  • Healthcare Industry
  • Public Health Government Agencies
  • Pharmaceutical Industry


Turning Data into Stories, Stories into Success!

Graphical Abstract

Visual summary of scientific research, presenting key findings and implications through concise graphics and minimal text for quick comprehension by researchers and stakeholders.

Smart Conference Poster

Designed posters for medical conferences, showcasing research methodologies, experimental outcomes, and advancements to engage and inform industry professionals.

Research PPT

PowerPoint presentation summarizing scientific research, highlighting discovery processes, development stages, efficacy data, and regulatory insights for comprehensive stakeholder understanding.

Deluxe Infographic

Detailed graphic representation of scientific data and insights, illustrating mechanisms, experimental results, trends, and outcomes to facilitate informed decision-making and communication.

Standard Infographics

Simplified visual presentation of medical information, using clear graphics to communicate benefits, indications, and safety profiles effectively to researchers and the public.

Bite sized infographics

Concise visual summary of scientific data, ideal for quick dissemination of efficacy, safety data, and market positioning among stakeholders and regulatory bodies.

2D Cover Design/Cover Art

Artistic representation for scientific publications or promotional materials, visually conveying research benefits, indications, and identity to target audiences.

3D Cover Design/Cover Art

Three-dimensional artwork showcasing scientific content, enhancing visual appeal and realism in promotional campaigns, product launches, and packaging designs.

Research News Stories

Journalistic narrative focusing on scientific breakthroughs, experimental outcomes, regulatory milestones, and market impact to educate industry professionals and the public.

Plain-language Summaries

Simplified overview of scientific research findings, using accessible language to inform researchers, the public, and investors about efficacy, safety, and potential.

AI + Human - Plain-language Summaries

Summary of scientific research combining AI-driven insights with human interpretation, making complex development and market data understandable and engaging for stakeholders.


Visual representation of scientific concepts, mechanisms, experimental pathways, or profiles, enhancing educational materials, marketing collateral, and presentations.

Animated Video Summaries

Dynamic video summarizing scientific research, mechanisms, experimental outcomes, and benefits using animation to engage stakeholders and educate the public.

Video Shorts

Brief video content presenting scientific innovations, highlights, and testimonials to raise awareness and build trust among researchers and the public.

Templatized Journal Promotion Videos

Standardized video promoting scientific research publications, highlighting contributions, development insights, and peer-reviewed findings to attract readers and contributors.

Invitation/Call for Papers Videos

Video invitation encouraging researchers to submit findings, data, and case studies for publication, detailing submission guidelines and editorial opportunities.

Custom Video Summaries

Tailored video content summarizing specific research breakthroughs, launches, or insights, customized to educate stakeholders, investors, and researchers.

Product Advertisement Videos

Video showcasing pharmaceutical products, highlighting features, benefits, and applications to researchers, the public, and potential consumers.

Product/Application Demo Videos

Video demonstration of scientific products or applications, illustrating usage, benefits, and outcomes to researchers, participants, and regulatory agencies.

Testimonial Videos

Video featuring endorsements or testimonials from health care practitioners, participants, or key opinion leaders, validating the effectiveness, safety, and benefits of scientific products and therapies.

AI + Human Audio Summaries

Audio recording summarizing medical research findings, experimental results, and insights, combining AI-driven analytics with human narration to provide comprehensive understanding and strategic guidance.

Pull Quotes Services

Selection and presentation of impactful quotes or excerpts from pharmaceutical research, experiments, and analyses, highlighting key insights, trends, and competitive advantages in industry publications, presentations, and communications.


Scientific Content Created till Date
Subject Matter Experts
Clients Covered

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