Get free life-time access to TeleMed Lite today!
Your private microsite to share your accomplishments, recognitions and experiences with your patients. Unlike doctor discovery platforms where patients can shop around, this microsite is dedicated for use by your patients only.
We help streamline the process of scheduling an appointment with you. Patients provide their basic information through simple steps to ensure correctness of information and minimizing patient bounce rates. Simultaneously, you build a comprehensive directory of all your patients for your professional use
Get the ability to collect fees directly into your choice of mobile wallets or bank accounts without any transaction cost or fee from CLIRNET! We make sure that 100% of the fees reaches you.
Wish to give some consultations for free? You can.
Want to talk to a patient over video call on WhatsApp? Sure!
Prefer talking to a patient over telephone call? Done!
Flexibility is built into the DNA of the system so that it may mould
itself around your comfort instead of forcing you to act in uncomfortable ways.
Put the power of your data to use! Send announcements across your entire patient registry with information about your clinic hours, or push unavailability notifications. You may even send seasonal guidelines to create awareness amongst patients with targeted campaigns! - all at the push of a button within TeleMed Lite!
We have a dedicated team of professionals who are always ready to assist your transition into the digital consultation space, smoothening out the difficult to setup portions and having you ready for eConsultations in record time!